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Understanding The Water System In Your Home | Homeslibro | lceted

 Understanding The Water System In Your Home

Now that you are ready to learn how to fix small plumbing problems in your home, it is very important to understand how the water system in your home works. Having knowledge of valves, pipes and their components will give you a clear picture of how to solve problems and effectively explain to a specialist when detailed repairs are required.

All homes have two different plumbing systems, regardless of their size or design; One controls the water intake and the other removes waste from your home.


Did you know about Drainage System?


What do you know about the drainage system?


Ever Wondered Where The Wastewater Goes?

It is drained away from your home through pipes connected to a treatment plant. When you flush your toilet, or take a shower, or drain your kitchen sink, all the water flows outwards through pipes in the drainage system. In the urban areas, the dirty water drains away through sewer systems. In the rural areas, there are septic systems to get rid of the waste.

The components in a drainage system consist of the following:


1. Drain Pipes

Fixtures from your home have drainage pipes connected to them that drain out wastewater. These pipes rely on gravity as they are fixed with a downward angle to allow free flow of the waste and into an underground sewer pipe. The sewer line finally drains into a septic system built far away from your home.


2. Drain Traps

Have you ever noticed the U-shaped pipe under your sink or toilet?

Well, that is a drain trap. It is designed that way to hold water constantly, to prevent waste from flowing backwards. Their shape allows water to constantly be held inside the pipes to prevent gases in the sewer and unpleasant odours from entering your home.


3. Drain Vent

Have you ever seen drain vents on the roofs of homes?

These pipes allow air to flow into the drain pipes, establishing the proper flow of wastewater in the drainage system.

Keeping the vent clear of any debris is crucial because it prevents the backflow of waste.


Did you know about Water Supply System?


What do you know about the Water Supply System?



The Water Supply System

Water flows into our homes by being connected to the water supply system. The following plumbing fixtures are the point of contact from where we receive the water to use:

Showers - Bathtubs - Toilets - Kitchen sink - Bathroom sink – Faucet - Any area that has running water


The system has several components:


1. Pipes

Hidden underneath the floors and behind the walls, water flows through pipes that run throughout your home. Water stops moving when the faucets are closed.

There is a main pipe that connects to the valve via a faucet, and you can shut it off when the need arises. However, it stays open at all times to allow water into your home. A plumber shuts it off when working on a repair, and you'll want to do this too.


2. Water Heater

Your showers, bathtubs, or sinks are connected to two pipes; one which brings in cold water, and the other brings in hot water. The cold water pipe is directly connected to the main pipe, and the hot water pipe is connected to the main pipe and continues to your heater, where the water is heated.


3. Shut-off Valves

These are valves that allow water into your home. When they are turned off, water stops flowing altogether. That is mainly done when you want to work on a fixture, appliance, or pipe.


4. Faucets

The faucets control the water that flows into your showers, sinks, or bathtubs. You control the knobs when you want to use water, for example, from your kitchen sink. All plumbing fixtures have two knobs, one for cold water and the other for hot water. When both are opened, hot and cold water mix, creating a warm temperature.

If you want more hot water, open the hot water knob more than the cold one, and vice versa.


5. Water Meter

The water you receive in your home is not free. You pay for it. That is why before water is delivered to your home, it passes through a water meter found within your compound. It is connected to the main source pipe, and it shows how much water you have used, after which a water bill is sent to you at the end of each month


Did you know about RV Plumbing System?


What do you know about the RV Plumbing system?


RV Plumbing

RV Plumbing

The plumbing system in your RV allows you to wash your dishes, bathe, and perform basic household cleaning. Also, RVs are fitted with bathrooms, unless you are trying to save up on space- you get to avoid using public toilets. The best part about your RV is that you can perform minor plumbing repairs just as you would in a house.

How Plumbing In Your RV Works


Plumbing In Your RV Works


The plumbing system in your home and RV work the same in the toilet, sink, and shower. The principal difference is that your home's plumbing system is connected to your town or city's sewage system. Except for a leak in your home, it never crosses your mind where the dirty water goes, after flushing it, or once it goes down the drain.


The RV plumbing system is self-contained. You have to empty it manually regularly.


Under the chassis of your RV, you'll find a tank that brings in fresh water. This is the water that flows to your taps and showers when turned on. There's also a grey tank in which waste from the sink and shower drains into. The black tank holds water that carries waste from the toilet.


Gray water is not very dirty and can be disposed of on the ground but has to be followed by a gush of fresh water to prevent hard scum from forming. On the other hand, black water poses a health and environmental hazard and must be connected to a sewer line when disposing of the waste.

Minor plumbing problems in your RV can easily be fixed using the same concept in your home. If the problem is a leaking hose, you can fix it by replacing it using your RV manual. However, if the problem is much bigger, like a cracked tank, you will need to call in a professional plumber.

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