How To Do Rain Water Harvesting For Your Home | Importance Of Rain Water Harvesting? - HOMESLIBRO - Blogs on Home Related Solutions


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How To Do Rain Water Harvesting For Your Home | Importance Of Rain Water Harvesting?


As the water requirement of the rising population of the world cannot be met only by the conventional systems, the need for water harvesting is becoming more and more acute with time. Conservation of water that we get from rains for human consumption and other uses has become a necessity both in our villages and towns. We carry out water harvesting in the following ways:


1. Roof top rainwater harvesting for consumption as well as for recharge of groundwater


2. Rainwater harvesting of water collected on the ground around the buildings for recharge of groundwater level


3. Collection of surface water that may run off by check dams and other devices for storage in surface ponds, dams, etc.


Devices to be used for rainwater harvesting will depend on the local circumstances. For example, rainwater harvesting in cities will be aimed at storing water for human consumption or groundwater improvement and reuse by bore wells. In villages, in addition to the above purposes, it will also be used for cattle and irrigation purposes.

What is importance of rain water harvesting?

Rooftop Harvesting | How to do Rooftop harvesting?

For reuse, the rooftop water is collected from the roof and directly leads into the storage tank through pipes. A bypass system may also be provided so that the water from the initial rains during the rainy season (which may contain a lot of dust and leaves) can be used for groundwater improvement and only clean water is led into storage tanks for domestic use.


Roof water may also be used for groundwater improvement. For this purpose, the rainwater can be led to an old well or an existing hole (such as an old bore well) so that it will recharge the groundwater. We should remember that any seepage deep into the ground will take time and hence, water should be stored at least for a few hours in the well, tubewell or a pit before it can slowly percolate into the ground. The rate of percolation will depend on the bottom strata in the storage well. The well, pit or bore should end in permeable strata for proper recharge of the groundwater.


How to do Harvesting of Rainwater That Falls on the Ground?

The basic principle in harvesting this water is to store the rainwater in a place instead of allowing it to run off and provide time and means for it to percolate slowly into the ground. If the soil at the site is impervious, it may be necessary to have boreholes leading to a permeable layer below. Check dams along the usual flow of the surface water can also be built to store this water.


In many cities and towns, water harvesting is now compulsory for groups of flats and for residences with bore water installations and the details of devices that the municipal authority wants can be obtained from local agencies.



What Is Rain Water Harvesting?

Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater from roofs, parks, roads, and open spaces.


What is the importance and need of Rain water harvesting?

It reduces the risk of soil erosion and flooding by collecting rainwater and reduces the flow of rainwater to prevent urban flooding. Most buildings that use rainwater harvesting systems have a built-in drainage catchment area on the roof, which is capable of collecting large amounts of water during the rainy season.


What are the two methods of rainwater harvesting?

There are two methods of water collection in India: (i) Excess water collected through rainfall can be transported to wells, which helps to replenish wells and groundwater. (ii) Running rainwater harvesting and dry tanks on the roof.

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